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- Love the views, being on the beach and having hook ups for the RV. The sites are tight and sometimes diffucult to park but once you are parked and set up the kids have a wonderful time. I love biking into town as well.
- Sewer hook-up fees are billed and collected at the Sewer and Water Department. Any questions regarding hook-up fees should be directed to the Sewer and Water Department at (203) 879-8141. The Wolcott Tax Office is responsible for collecting Water Assessment and Water Usage fees.
Due Dates:
Motor vehicle tax bills are due on July 1st and must be paid in one installment. Supplemental motor vehicle tax bills are due on January 1st and must be paid in one installment.
Grace Period:
All tax bills are due on the dates listed above. The grace period is 30 days after the due date unless the 1st of the month falls on a Saturday or Sunday, in which case the grace period ends on the next business day after August 1st or February 1st.

Interest is charged to all late payments at a rate of 1½% per month. There are no exceptions to this policy.
For example, if a motor vehicle tax bill is not paid until August 4th, 3% interest will be added to the bill (minimum interest of $2.00). (1½% interest for July and 1½% interest forAugust.)
Please Note: If you know you will be paying your taxes late, please call the Tax Collector’s Office at 879-8100 for the correct amount or view your bill online.
Payments sent via U.S. Mail:
All payments sent by mail must be postmarked on or before the last day of the grace period.
Delinquent Motor Vehicle Tax Payments
The CT DMV Release Form is needed to renew a current registration or to obtain a new registration when the DMV has a taxpayer listed as owing delinquent taxes. If you are making a Delinquent Motor Vehicle Tax Payment and a CT DMV Release Form is needed you cannot use a personal check. However, you may use:
- Cash
- Bank check
- Money order
- Credit Card*
- Debit card*
Due Dates:
Real estate tax bills over $500.00 are due in two installments. The first installment is due on July 1st and the second installment is due the following January 1st.
If the Real Estate tax amount is less than $500.00, it is due in one installment on July 1st.
Grace Period:
All tax bills are due on the dates listed above. The grace period is 30 days after the due date unless the 1st of the month falls on a Saturday or Sunday, in which case the grace period ends on the next business day after August 1st or February 1st.
Interest is charged to all late payments at a rate of 1½% per month. There are no exceptions to this policy.
For example, if the first half of a real estate tax bill is not paid until August 4th, 3% interest will be added to the bill (minimum interest of $2.00). (1½% interest for July and 1½% interest for August.)
If the second half of a real estate tax bill is not paid until February 5th, 3% interest will be added to the bill (minimum interest of $2.00). (1½% interest for January and 1½% interest for February.)
Please Note: If you know you will be paying your taxes late, please call the Tax Collector’s Office at 879-8100 for the correct amount or view your bills online.

Beach Hook Up Wolcott Connecticut

Payments sent via U.S. Mail:
All payments sent by mail must be postmarked on or before the last day of the grace period.
Real Estate, Motor Vehicle and Personal Property Taxes
- Cash
- Check
- Money order
- Credit card*
- Online
Beach Hook Up Wolcott Ct
Due Dates:
Personal Property tax bills over $500.00 are due in two installments. The first installment is due on July 1st, and the second installment is due the following January 1st.
If the Personal Property tax amount is less than $500.00, it is due in one installment on July 1st.
Grace Period:
All tax bills are due on the dates listed above. The grace period is 30 days after the due date unless the 1st of the month falls on a Saturday or Sunday, in which case the grace period ends on the next business day after August 1st or February 1st.
Interest is charged to all late payments at a rate of 1½% per month. There are no exceptions to this policy.

For example, if a personal property tax bill is not paid until August 4th, 3% interest will be added to the bill (minimum interest of $2.00). (1½% interest for July and 1½% interest forAugust.)
Please Note: If you know you will be paying your taxes late, please call the Tax Collector’s Office at 879-8100 for the correct amount or view your bills online.
Payments sent via U.S. Mail:
All payments sent by mail must be postmarked on or before the last day of the grace period.
Beach Hook Up Wolcott Vt
The Wolcott Tax Office is responsible for collecting Sewer Assessment and Sewer Usage fees.
Sewer Assessment fees are assessed only to those taxpayers that access to sewer lines. Individual bills are sent atdifferent times of the year (depending on which phase they are in) to those who have outstanding Sewer Assessment bills. Any questions regarding the Sewer Assessment bills should be addressed to the Tax Collector’s Office.
Sewer Usage fees are billed only to those property owners who are hooked up to the Sewer lines. The Wolcott Tax Office collects these fees and any questions regarding payments should be forward to the Tax Collector’s Office. The Sewer Usage bills are due and payable on July 1st of each year with a grace period through August 1st.
All Sewer Usage bills paid or postmarked after August 1st are subject to interest at the rate of 1½% per month with a minimum interest charge of $2.00. If paid late, the interest accrued is retroactive from the date due, which is July 1st. For example, if the Sewer Usage bill is paid on August 5th the interest would be 3% of the bill (1½% for July and 1½% for August).
Sewer hook-up fees are billed and collected at the Sewer and Water Department. Any questions regarding hook-up fees should be directed to the Sewer and Water Department at (203) 879-8141.
The Wolcott Tax Office is responsible for collecting Water Assessment and Water Usage fees.
Water Assessment fees are assessed only to those taxpayers that have access to water lines. Individual bills are sent out annually at different times of the year (depending on which phase they are in) to those who have outstanding Water Assessment bills and are subject to interest at 1 1/2% per month with a minimum interest charge of $5.00. If paid late, the delinquent interest accrued is retroactive from the date due. Any questions regarding the Water Assessment bills should be addressed to the Tax Collector’s Office.
Water Usage fees are billed only to those property owners who are hooked up to the water lines. The Wolcott Tax Office collects these fees and any questions regarding payments should be forward to the Tax Collector’s Office. The Water Usage bills are due and payable every quarter and are subject to interest at the rate of 1 1/2% per month with a minimum interest charge of $2.00. If paid late, the interest accrued is retroactive from the date due. For example, if the Water Usage bill is paid or postmarked one or more days after the grace period, the interest would be 3% of the bill, or $2.00, whichever is greater.If usage fees are not paid by the due date a $24.00 lien fee will be applied to each quarter per CT State Statute.
Water hook-up fees are billed and collected at the Sewer and Water Department. Any questions regarding hook-up fees should be directed to the Sewer and Water Department at (203) 879-8141.
Beach Hook Up Wolcott Vermont
Sewer and Water Usage Fees
- Cash
- Bank check
- Personal check
- Money order
- Credit Card*
- Debit Card*
* NOTE: A convenience fee of 3.41% will be added for all payments made by credit card or debit card.
Sewer and Water Assessments
- Cash
- Personal check
- Bank check
- Money order