Venice Best Place To Hook Up

When talking about the best cities to meet and hook up with girls in Japan for foreign men the hardest thing to deal with is the dating cultural differences between this country and many others. For that reason much of this post will deal with that.

We will talk about what it is like to visit this country for foreign men, often referred to as ‘gaijin.’ Lets just say that far fewer doors are open to a gaijin then they are to a local Japanese guy.

But at the end of the day the amount of doors isn’t all that important as long as some legs are being opened for you. When visiting the best cities to meet and hook up with girls in Japan finding spread legs should be possible.

We will give some quick hitting advice on the cities we suggest and also some great links to ‘gaijin singles meet ups’ where you can find Japanese women who want to meet and date foreign men.

Theoretically, you can hook up with a soon-to-be one-night stand anywhere, but according to Saucy Dates, a casual dating site, some locations are more popular than others, as far as the meeting. Hook Up Places - If you are looking for an online dating site, then try our service that so many have had success with. Gazi is the main place to party, but there are certainly other options. It isn’t always easy to hook up with Athens girls on the first night, but there are so many tourists around looking to have a good time that you might find luck on your side. Try to book a hotel in Gazi or one of those other areas to improve your odds of getting laid.

Plus we will have plenty of links on these cities since we have covered each in depth. The first section will talk about the whole gaijin friendly effect, and the second will talk about the dating culture in this country.

From there we will give advice on the cities if you want to meet and date girls, followed by a shorter chapter on the pay for play scene. After all that we will wrap up with the best online dating site in Japan which can be your best wingman as you travel around the country.

Gaijin Friendly Or Not?

Any time you travel to a new land one of the hardest things to deal with is the language barrier. We assume you aren’t fluent in Japanese, but even learning a little can really help you out. Luckily we can tell you about a good dating site in English soon.

Not only because it will make it easier to hook up with the girls interested in foreign men, but also because it will allow you to enter more places. You must always remember that in Asian culture people can’t handle ‘losing face.’

People don’t handle negativity well in this part of the world, and they can feel great shame if they have to admit they don’t know the answer to something. That is why when you ask for directions here and say ‘is xxxx this way’ they might say yes whether they know or not.

They don’t like to be told no, tell others no, or admit there is any sort of problem. So when foreign men head into an establishment and triyto talk to locals who don’t know English things get thrown out of whack.

Now the local can’t reply and will lose face by not being able to respond. Shame, horror, and sadness will ensue and he may not return to this establishment in the future because of it.

Might sound over dramatic but because of that many pick up bars, nightclubs, and other places are not ‘gaijin friendly.’ The more of the language you can speak the more doors that will be opened for you.

We aren’t suggesting you go out and learn the language for a 1 week trip. It is just important you understand this going in, and it is why so many travel blogs list certain bars as ‘gaijin friendly’ or not.

Luckily this is an easy country to meet girls online seeking a foreign husband so you don’t always have to put up with it.

Dating Culture With Japanese Women

How does all of that apply to the dating culture with Japanese women? Well there are certain spots you won’t be able to go and meet them.

More importantly it helps you understand the cultural differences so you can adapt to them. The key point is to never make anyone lose face, and don’t talk about negative things.

A popular ‘game’ technique to meet women in the western world is to neg them. Tell them their shit stinks, pretend you don’t like them, and wait for them to try and win your approval.

Don’t do that here. The local ladies can’t handle negativity like that, it won’t make her want to win your approval it will make her think you are a jerk and completely kill the mood.

Dating any Asian girls is quite easy for foreign men. Instead of trying to ‘game’ them all you need to do is try to not mess it up.

How do you do this? Be nice, smile, laugh, and crack some silly jokes. Why do you think so many websites are out there talking about how easy Asian girls are?

It is because all you have to do is be nice and make them feel comfortable with you. Once you do that you are in. Of course this won’t work with all the single ladies in town, some won’t have any interest in foreigners at all.

But some will be very interested, people always want to try new experiences and you can be that new experience for them. Since many consider the girls here to be some of the sexiest in Asia being that new experience is a coveted position to be in.

Best Cities To Meet Japanese Girls

There are definitely a lot of good cities to meet Japanese girls interested in foreign men to choose from. We aren’t really going to list these in any order, and the truth is you can probably have success in any city in the country if you are a nice guy that makes lots of effort.

The more girls you contact the more dates you will get, and the more dates you go on the more often you will get laid. It is as true here as it is anywhere in the world.

Tokyo is the biggest city in the world so it might be a good place to start. There will be more tourists and expats here, but also more single girls partying at the bars for foreigners.

Roppongi is the main party hot spot and nightlife area, here you can party with tourists from other countries, tourists from Japan, and many locals who want to party with foreign men. Bars like Jumanji and V2 are known ‘gaijin singles bars.’

You should also check out this link when trying to meet girls in this city. It is a site that posts gaijin meet up events, and plenty of Tokyo women interested in foreign men will be checking it and showing up also.

While we are at it we might as well mention this link for meeting Japanese girls in Kobe, Kyoto, or Osaka. It is pretty much the same as the other one but instead it is for those cities.

It is how gaijin and the ‘gaijin hunters’ know where each other will be partying. You can find all types at these events like gold diggers, some full on hookers, or just slutty girls who want to ride the foreign cock carousel and hook up every night. Maybe some good girls too, maybe.

Sapporo can be a lot of fun and some good gaijin singles bars there are TK6 and Rad Brothers. 350 Bar and Sapporo Beer Garden will be a more local singles crowd.


Yokohama should have less foreign men and good places to party there would be Motion Blue and Thrash Zone. Try to get a centrally located apartment near the main bars or clubs you plan to party at.

For Nagoya try and be as close to the Sakae bar district as possible. Renting a well located condo off AirBnb on your stay will make it a lot easier to hook up with hot Japanese girls at the gaijin bars there, some will think it is shameful to go to a guys hotel room.

A few more cities to consider are Okinawa, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, and if you want to try some even smaller towns check that link.


Japanese Girls Seeking Foreign Men

If you want to meet and hook up with girls interested in foreign men online use Japan Cupid. It is the best online dating site in the country and a great way to meet new people as you travel from city to city.

There is even a translator right there on the site which makes things a whole lot easier. Plus girls that use the internet often generally are a bit better at English than those who don’t.

We aren’t going to try and claim the site is filled with sluts and everyone you message will reply and want to hook up with you right then. That isn’t the case at all and from a percentage stand point things may not be pretty.

But that is what is so great about online dating. You can log on to Japan Cupid a week before you visit any new city and send out messages to hundreds of girls in an hour or two.

Copy and paste a short and friendly message that doesn’t use big words. When you get a reply stay friendly and then get their chat app contact info and start to text them there.


Then when you arrive in town you have plenty of girls waiting and dates lined up. It is a numbers game and online dating allows you to meet the most in the shortest amount of time.

Good Luck With Japanese Girls

Dating in foreign countries is a really interesting thing. Many of the girls don’t want anything to do with you and some that are curious will be too shy to go through with hooking up.

Then there is a different group who are sick of the local guys and only want someone different. Now you show up and they want to give you a shot, and as long as you are a friendly guy that they feel comfortable with you have a great chance of success.

It really is a simple game, you make as many contacts as you can, be nice, and see which ones want to have some fun. The more effort you put in the greater your results will be.

Good luck and hope you enjoy visiting the best cities to meet and hook up with girls in Japan who are interested in foreign men.

Venice Best Place To Hook Up With Girls


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